The CFront 2000 Book is in print!!!
On 13 June, you will be able to get your copy of the CFront
2000 Book. Not a catalogue, not a simple presentation of the
CFront 2000 project, but a compilation of high-level texts,
both by participants of CFront 2000 and by other authors we
approached to get a fuller picture of media art and cultural
practices between East and West, rounding up the animated
discussions at CFront 2000 under the title "Crossing
Points: East-West _ Crossing Points between East and West
in the Context of the New Media Balkan Generation".
The CF00 Book _ Crossing Points East-West
Edited by Dimitrina Sevova & Alain Kessi
Published by the curatorial team of CFront 2000: Dimitrina
Emil Miraztchiev, Alain Kessi (assistant)
Sofia, June 2001
ISBN: 954-90880-1-4
Published in English and Bulgarian language, the book presents
an up-to-date collection of essays, analyses, literary texts
and provocations, both to an international audience interested
in questions of East-West relations under the sign of new
communication technologies, and to local readers who wish
to acquaint themselves with the dynamic development of the
new media community.
The book fills a gap especially on the Bulgarian market,
where no more than three books have been published about contemporary
art, and none so far about media art and culture, but will
appeal also to the veterans of networking.
The book is published with the support of the Daniel Langlois
Foundation, Canada.
Welcome to CFront 2001
Program of Communication Front 2001
Cyber and my sp@ce Netizens and the new geography
Friday, 1 June, 10:00h beginning of theoretical meeting
and working seminar at the ArtToday Lab based in the Mexican House,
in the Old City of Plovdiv. The theoretical meeting and working
seminar will continue every day until 14 June, from 10:00h-15:00h.
19:00h multimedia performance
"Infonoise" by Gordana Novakovic, Yugoslavia/UK,
at the Center of Contemporary Art in the Old Turkish Baths, Plovdiv.
Saturday, 2 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
17:30h Marilena Preda-Sanc,
Romania _ presentation of the "Remapping the World" project
19:00h Gordana Novakovic, Yugoslavia/UK
_ lecture and discussion "Interactive Installation and its
Sunday, 3 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
17:30h BLUNT, Canada (Biliana
Velkova, Barbara Prokop, Naomi Potter) _ presentation and discussion
19:00h discussion with Diana
McCarty, Germany
Monday, 4 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
17:30h Bojana Kunst, Slovenia
_ lecture "Body and my sp@ce"
19:00h Kathy Rae Huffman, USA/UK
_ lecture and discussion
Tuesday, 5 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
17:30h Barbara Konopka, Poland
_ presentation
19:00h Maria Vassileva, Bulgaria
_ lecture "Cyber and My Kitchen Space"
Wednesday, 6 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
19:00h opening of the CFront
2001 exhibition "Cyber and my sp@ce"
Thursday, 7 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
10:00h opening of Syndicate
@ CFront meeting, discussions and working seminar, which will
last until 9 June
18:00h Maria X, Greece _ presentation
about Fournos, Athens, and the Mediaterra festival
Friday, 8 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
15:00h internal family meeting
of the Syndicate
19:00h Andreas Broeckmann,
Germany _ lecture and discussion "The Syndicate _ A History
of Personal Contacts and Collaborations between East and West"
Saturday, 9 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
17:30h Saso Vrabic, Slovenia
_ lecture and discussion "Slovene `micro reality' after Manifesta
2000 in Ljubljana or more personally I'm a professional babysitter
(Essay on ethics, arts, information and life in Slovenia)"
19:00h Biljana Tanurovska,
Macedonia _ lecture and presentation about Macedonian video art
Sunday, 10 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
18:00h Igor Stepancic and Irena
Paunovic, Yugoslavia _ presentation of the POW project and interactive
presentation of the project 3Brain
Monday, 11 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
18:00h Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz
and Brigitta Kuster, Switzerland/Germany _ lecture and discussion
"Viruses, Green Card, Brain Drain, Subjectivities"
Tuesday, 12 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
15:00h i-love-u (Eva Michalcak
and Adnan Hadziselimovic), Switzerland _ lecture and discussion
"Free License for Art - What could an Open Source Art World
look like?"
16:30h Brigitta Kuster, Pauline
Boudry and Renate Lorenz, Switzerland/Germany _ lecture and
discussion "High Technology, Heterosexuality, Work Place and
18:00h CFront and Pro Helvetia
Sofia Drink Party at the ArtToday Media Lab based in the Mexican
House in the Old City of Plovdiv
Wednesday, 13 June, 10:00h-15:00h theoretical meeting &
working seminar
17:30h presentation of CFront 2000
Book in front of a broader audience
19:00h presentation of results
of the theoretical meeting and working seminar in front of a broader
Theoretical meeting and working seminar _ each successive
day the participants in CFront 2001 will get together from 10:00h
to 15:00h _ without being watched by an audience _ to outline shared
ideas and strategies linked to "Cyber and my sp@ce _ Netizens
and the new geography", and to develop a common concept and
produce articles and Web works for a common Web-based project.
The lecture program is public and open to all interested
The exhibition is open to the public every day, from 7-21
June 2001, from 11:30h-17:30h in the downstairs exhibition space
of the Mexican House in the Old City of Plovdiv.