June 07 Susanna Paasonen - first work in the virtual exhibition



From: cfront-admin@cfront.org [mailto:cfront-admin@cfront.org]On Behalf Of Dimitrina & Alain
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 12:35 PM
To: cfront@cfront.org
Subject: [CFront] Susanna Paasonen - first work in the virtual exhibition

Dear CFronters,

please have a look at the first work included in the virtual exhibition of CFront 2001. Susanna Paasonen unfortunately could not make it to Plovdiv this year, but provided a new work of hers for the CFront 2001 exhibition. In addition to including it in the CFront 2001 exhition in the basement of the Mexican House and in the virtual exhibition, we will make a presentation of the work. Susanna, we're sorry you're not here with us, and hope we will meet soon again!


Keep up the good work! In the next few days, more works will enter the virtual exhibition, while in parallel, all of us in Plovdiv and all that want to participate in the discussion through the CFront mailing list will work out, together, a concept for ways to make a virtual exhibition that goes beyond the standard virtual galleries compiling a list of more or less related works on a site.

At this point the virtual exhibition is not linked yet from the CFront site, but we will work on this today.

Greetings from Plovdiv to all,

Dimitrina & Alain