= "As the printing press cried out for nationalism, so did the radio cry out for tribalism." Sergei Eisenstein.=
vestige has to do with past relic memento or trace -- I am making a connection between radio space and how it potentially shifts human presence, transporting ideas across borders. trans-vestige being a space in flux or constant sonic motion received from a distant geo space.
radio is the present/future and the digital photographs exist in between the two all representing a trace from various points of antiquity.
Strengthening communication across borders with collaborative links that provide accessible technology and support representation of a broader community is more viable today than any other moment in history. The World Wide Web and networking technologies have provided an opportunity for individuals and groups with common goals to build hybrid societies and new kinds of cultural space.
radio trans-vestige, digital photographys, short wave radios, speakers and toy binoculars.
June 3- June 13, 2000
Communication Front 2000, 11, Artin Gidikov Str., 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Crossing points: East West Crossing Borders: Cultivating Real and Virtual Networks